Our process is a collaborative effort between your advisor and you. Together, you will identify your goals and objectives. From there, we recommend strategies and provide honest, realistic advice to help guide you in the right direction.

But we don’t stop at just one meeting. We will continue to work with you to ensure you’re on the right track, keep you updated with reports that are easy to read, and will update and rebalance your plan as needed, so you can relax knowing your money is working for you.

Financial Planning Process of MINT Wealth Management Services

We’ve developed a 10-step planning process to guide you towards your financial goals:

  1. Define the scope of our engagement
  2. Learn about you and your unique financial goals
  3. Provide education based on facts and reality
  4. Work together to resolve your concerns and questions
  5. Analyze your personal and financial information
  6. Create your personalized plan and strategies
  7. Review your plan, and confirm that it works for you
  8. Implement your plan
  9. Measure, monitor, manage, and send you easy-to-understand reports
  10. Implement periodic updates and rebalancing


Contact an advisor to get started on your personal financial journey.